Whether you’re hosting a one-off online seminar or a recurring event, a single workshop or parallel sessions, our webinar platform creates a dynamic, intuitive virtual auditorium experience for attendees, presenters, and moderators.

Features of our virtual auditorium
- Fully branded interface and login page
- A ‘waiting room’ for attendees who log in early, with a countdown to the beginning of the event
- A ‘green room’ to prep speakers
- The ability to view the speaker(s) and slides or other media simultaneously
- Online interactive tools including a moderated chat with live Q&A, polling, and up-voting
- A list of participants to encourage interaction and foster a sense of community
- Downloadable handouts and slides
- Language channels with subtitles and/or simultaneous interpretation
- Note-taking

Additional features and services
- Full implementation and support
- Dedicated account manager
- 24-hour technical support Helpdesk
- Training for organisers, moderators, and speakers
- Single sign-on with high volume capacity
- Integration with any existing infrastructure via our strong and secure API
- Gamification and event interaction tools
- Package deals for regular events or courses
- Parallel sessions and breakout rooms
- Browser-based or Zoom integration